Moving is hard on the whole family. Your kids may be especially anxious about the move and about leaving their friends, which is tough. The more you can do to reduce the stress on your kids, the easier your move will be on everyone.
Preparing to Move
Try to make saying goodbye and embracing your new environment fun. Your little ones are more likely to accept the changes, which will make the entire process easier.
In order to make your kids more comfortable before the move, Kalman Heller, PhD, suggests creating a box full of objects that connect your little ones to the old house.
“Take a shoebox and have the child fill it with leaves, rocks, and other small objects from the yard. Use a digital camera and allow the child to direct what pictures she wants. By seeing them instantly, she can let you know if you’ve captured what she wants. You may also have some of her neighborhood friends put small objects in the box as well as a picture of the friends,” says Dr. Heller.
So what else can you do as the big day approaches?
- Make each day an adventure. Plan something special—it doesn’t have to be anything big—for each day of packing and moving. It can be as simple as a new toy, a kids’ movie or a special treat (think ice cream) that they don’t ordinarily get. Mark your calendar so the kids have a chance to look forward to each day’s reward.
- Put detailed labels on kids’ boxes. This is definitely worth the time it takes. Older children may even want to help, especially if you use adhesive labels and colorful markers. (You’ll thank yourself later when your child simply has to have one particular item.)
- Enlist a babysitter’s help. If it’s practical, send the kids somewhere fun with a friend or family member. If not, inviting a guest to keep your children busy – and out of the way – will be a tremendous help.
- Pack a cooler. Having cool drinks and healthy snacks on-hand makes everyone happy. Keep it accessible so you can pacify the little ones at either home (or anywhere in-between).
- Pack an individual bag for each child. You don’t want to have to open and search boxes mid-move. Each little one should have his or her own bag handy with extra clothing, toys, comfort items and whatever else is age-appropriate, from diapers to tablet chargers.
- Make your new space feel like home right away. You don’t have to rush to unpack, but be sure to get some familiar art and keepsakes out and on display as soon as possible.
Are You Building a Custom Home in Middle Tennessee?
While we can’t guarantee that your moving process will be painless, we can assure you that the entire custom home-building experience will be. We build some of Middle Tennessee’s most beautiful homes, and when you’re ready to talk about your dream house, we’re here.
Call us at 615-661-9995 or contact us online and let us know what you’re looking for; we’ll be happy to help.