Should You Buy into the Solar Power Wave?

By |2017-02-13T18:08:31+00:00April 27th, 2016|Categories: Green energy|Tags: , , |

Maybe it’s a sign of the times, but it seems these days that alternative energy is on everyone’s mind when making decisions regarding utility costs and household sustainability. Solar energy is now one of the most visible—and accessible—of these alternative resources and is an important option to consider when you’re purchasing a custom home. Is Solar [...]


By |2017-02-13T18:08:36+00:00November 5th, 2015|Categories: Comfort, Green energy|Tags: , , , |

It looks like the latest trend in recycling has moved into the lavatory – Orbital Systems, which holds the Certified Space Technology designation from the U.S. Space Foundation, has designed a shower that cuts out between 80 and 95 percent of the water we typically use. The catch? There really isn’t one, at least according to [...]

Should You Build Your Custom Home with Sustainable Materials

By |2017-02-13T18:08:37+00:00October 7th, 2015|Categories: Green energy, Home Building, Home Living, Smart Home|

Many people are discussing sustainable building materials, but what does that really mean? Should you be looking into using sustainable materials in your new custom home? What Are Sustainable Materials? Sustainable building materials are those that can be used without using up or destroying natural resources. The goal of using sustainable building materials in your home is to [...]

LED vs. CFL – What’s Best for Your Custom Home

By |2017-02-13T18:08:38+00:00August 13th, 2015|Categories: Green energy, Home Technology|Tags: , , |

Your new home, no matter how well designed it is, needs the perfect lighting scheme in order for you to enjoy it to its fullest. So what’s right for you: CFL or LED lights? What is CFL Lighting? CFL stands for compact fluorescent lamp. These types of lights are energy-saving lamps that fit into light fixtures [...]

Smart and Savvy Technologies for the Home

By |2017-02-13T18:08:47+00:00July 17th, 2014|Categories: Building Design, Green energy, Home Technology, Smart Home|

With hordes of smart technology available, it makes sense to take advantage of it – particularly if you’re having a custom home built in Middle Tennessee. You can control everything from home security to indoor temperature with automated tools, and it can all be done from one device. At Carbine and Associates, we’re big advocates of [...]

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